Dear Diane

Formerly known as “d” or “diane”(all lower case), “Dear Diane” is a rising star in the pop music scene. Hailing from a small town outside of Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love”, Dear Diane is the oldest of her siblings and comes from a loving, supportive home. Diane got her start in music from her father who was in a band himself in his younger years. Diane recalls riding around in the car with her father listening and singing along to songs for hours. Which is where she got her love for music.

With a growing passion and talent for music, Diane wrote her very first song at the age of 12. After working on her craft of songwriting and singing for the next few years, Diane recorded and released her very first track at the age of 15 on the music streaming platform SoundCloud.

Writing, recording music, and self-training her voice for the next few years, Diane got her break after going viral on Tik Tok due to a series of diss track videos she made while having fun with her love for music and natural talent.

Diane has stated that “Writing and making music for me is an escape and a way to process everything I feel. Writing has been there for me, saved me, and held me through the hardest times of my life, and I hope that my music can be a safe place for other people who need it as well.” By writing about her past and current life experiences both good and bad, those that have had the pleasure to experience Dear Diane and her music say that her music is as deep and moving as the way she speaks on it.

Releasing her new record “It’s Love”  through Rocstar World/Sony Orchard, come January 3rd the world will get to enjoy that experience as well. Dear Diane is a very talented artist with a unique sound and style that has captivated those she has been around. With a genuine love for making music, she is excited to share her art with the world.